Playing Ranked Matches

Ranked matches allow you to quickly compare your bot to other bots with an ELO score based on the ranked matches you play.

Pass the --ranked flag to the built in script rc-connect to notify the server that you want to play ranked matches:

rc-connect --help
rc-connect --ranked <bot path>
rc-connect --ranked --keep-version <bot path>
rc-connect --ranked reconchess.bots.random_bot

Use the --help flag for more information about the arguments.

Disconnecting your bot

On termination, rc-connect will safely disconnect your bot from the server so that any in progress ranked matches are not aborted before they finish.

Pressing ctrl+c or sending a kill signal to the rc-connect process will cause the following to happen:

  1. rc-connect will send a message to the server telling it to not schedule any more ranked games for you.
  2. rc-connect will wait for any in progress games to finish.
  3. Once all the in progress games are finished, it will exit.

Note if your bot opens new subprocesses (e.g. StockFish), you will have to make sure signals sent to rc-connect aren’t also sent to the subprocesses. For example, if using StockFish with the python-chess library, you should open StockFish like this:

# the setpgrp=True flag will make sure the Stockfish process won't receive signals sent to the rc-connect process.
chess.engine.SimpleEngine.popen_uci(stockfish_path, setpgrp=True)


When you use the --ranked flag of rc-connect, it will prompt you about the version of your bot. Versions give you a way to track different updates to your bot.

The server tracks the ELO of each of your versions separately, so your old version’s performance will not impact a new version’s performance. In fact, when you create a new version the ELO starts from scratch to give you better accuracy.

There are two prompts you will have to answer when using the --ranked flag:

The first prompt asks whether you want to connect as a new version. Answer with y if you want to create a new version, and n otherwise.

> rc-connect --ranked src/
Is this a new version of your bot? [y/n]

The second prompt is a confirmation prompt and indicates the last version you connected as, and what version you will connect to the server as currently. Answer with y if you want to connect, and answering with n will exit the script.

> rc-connect --ranked src/
Are you sure you want to participate in ranked matches as v<new version> (currently v<old version>)? [y/n]

Example of connecting to the server in ranked mode using the same version as last time:

> rc-connect --ranked src/
Is this a new version of your bot? [y/n]n
Are you sure you want to participate in ranked matches as v1 (currently v1)? [y/n]y
[<time stamp>] Connected successfully to server!

Example of connecting to the server in ranked mode as a new version:

> rc-connect --ranked src/
Is this a new version of your bot? [y/n]y
Are you sure you want to participate in ranked matches as v2 (currently v1)? [y/n]y
[<time stamp>] Connected successfully to server!

Other languages

If you are not using python or not using the reconchess package, you will need to implement logic to handle talking to the server. This is done through a RESTful HTTP API, and should be straightforward to implement.

See the HTTP API page for more information

If this applies to you please send us an email at for help.